This is a story of Superman saving a simple and normal girl.
Once upon a time, there is a girl enjoying herself with her friends at a club called Rebel. It was her first time going there, she was perfectly fine with the environment. It is more a socializing with her friends and making new friends. That day was her first day working at Mapleaf and she was not really in a good mood at first.
She and her friends make a new group of friends that was really nice and friendly. They go around as a group. One guy like one of her friend. So two of them help to matchmake them together. They seems really cute together. They also feel the guy is nice and alright to be friends with. They keep on matchmaking them out and make them dance together and also getting numbers. They manage to do so, so cute little two look like an item, so sweet.
She is quite a good dancer, she dance and dance. Some guys came close to dance with her, she dance with some of them. She drank a little too. It was a holiday that day, too much people. Some guys came really close to her, which make her uncomfortable. The guy that got the girl number, ask the girl if she is okay with the guy behind. The girl say she don't like it, she wants to escape but don't know how. The guy help her, talk to the guy, wanted to text something on iphone to tell the guy off. But halfway, Superman appear! Superman look at what the guy type on his iphone. The girl didn't know what is going on, she don't know what they text and talk about. The next moment, Superman held his hand out to bring the girl over to his side and out of uncomfortable zone.
At first, the girl saw Superman from far, who is also her friend's friend. So the girl wanted to help her friend and Superman to matchmake. In the end... They dance together and had nice memories and happy chatting. Superman took care of her very well and also fly her home, to her doorstep. The girl felt comfortable with Superman, because she know if Superman is there, she will be protected at least. There was three pairs that are matchmake-d. It was a nice ending for the day.
The next day, the 3 girls went to a club called Powerhouse with other friends too. They were dancing at podium again. Some of the guys wanted to come join they in Powerhouse, so they waited. The girl found out that Superman wasn't there, she was a little disappointed, but she also told herself to smile and enjoy herself. She was very tired from work and school. She slept at 6.30 plus that morning and 7.15 awake for school workshop. Superman not appearing with them just make her a little down.
Powerhouse queue was too long, the two guys didn't manage to get in, so they ask if we want to join them at Rebel instead. The 3 girls went to Rebel and join in the fun. They drank and dance, the girl didn't see Superman there, which he is the main person of the event to celebrate for him. They went to the dance floor and dance. The two matchmake-d pairs was dancing together. They felt that something was wrong with that girl, she used to be a good dancer and dance very happily, but why isn't she. They ask her if she is alright, the girl say yes, just very tired. Actually they know what's wrong, they can feel it, they know it well. They wanted to help her, one of the guy also told the girl to call Superman, but the girl don't want to. She didn't message Superman about her going Rebel. She was trying to put a strong cover page, when the cover page is torn that true content can be seen.
In the end, they discuss and message Superman, but the girl didn't know much. She just stand there, not dancing, moving with the beat of the music. Soon, someone wearing black came into the picture. The girl looked up at Superman and smile. Finally her friends see her smile again. Everyone else was teasing her with him. But she was just glad to see Superman again. They dance for awhile. Superman knows that she hasn't sleep much that day, so he bought her to one side and sit down, so that she is not so tired. Soon, Superman decide to fly her home first. Superman saved her again.
Now, Superman is busy. The girl is back to her life, studying, working and enjoying. The girl don't suffer from flashbacks that affects her, she change the direction of her heart. Although, she is still afraid to love, but she is taking things slow. She is moving on, moving to another guy maybe. In her heart, she is crushed, but she is trying to make a smile out of the crushed heart. She don't know if Superman really likes her. She don't know whether she truly likes him too. But the only difference you can see that a message from Superman can make her smile just thinking about it. Her classmates ask her a different question now, instead of why so unhappy, they are asking what makes you so happy. See, there is a different. If things go on well, maybe we can really see her true smile.
Reason to cry, too many. Reason to smile, you just need one.